Clinics We Offer

District Nurse Clinics
The district nurses work between Wooler and Belford and mainly visit patients in their own homes but they also carry out some clinics in the surgery. Appointments are made via the district nursing team.
Clinics arranged by the district nursing team and by appointment only.
The District Nursing Team can be contacted on 01668 280040/41.

Counselling provides a one-to-one service in the practice with a trained counsellor. Patients can talk about their problems in a relaxed and confidential environment.
The doctors normally offer counselling to patients who they think might benefit from talking to someone or patients can ask to be referred when they see the doctor.

Practice Nurse Clinics
Monday to Thursday
Our practice nurses manage many conditions as well as general nursing and occasional blood taking. Our practice nurses are Maureen Birdsall and Alison Bristow.
To see the practice nurse you will need to let the receptionist know what you are coming for as we need to book the appropriate time-slot for you and it also enables the nurse to prepare any equipment she might need.
Healthcare Assistant Clinics
Monday to Thursday
Sue Aisbitt and Dawn Blackman are our HCA's and will perform phlebotomy (blood letting), blood pressure checks, simple health checks including well man/woman, NHS health checks, Over 75 health checks, ECG's and pre diabetic clinic checks. They can also administer B12 injections, flu, pneumonia and covid vaccinations.

Child Health
The practice nurse carries out the immunisations on babies and children under 5 during her normal clinics, the doctors carry out the 6 week baby check during normal surgery hours.
We currently have no in-house health visitor. The health visiting service is now organised into 3 bases; Berwick, Alnwick/Wooler and Amble.
The Alnwick/Wooler base number is 01665 650298.
The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) is an important programme to tackle obesity in the population. As part of this programme, children in reception year (aged 4–5 years) and Year 6 (10–11 years) have their heights and weights measured during the school year. Each child’s result is based on a BMI centile, which provides information as to whether a child is a healthy weight for their height, age and sex. It is not a perfect measure, but it is one of the best ways to tell if a child is a healthy weight.
Change4Life is a programme which promotes positive lifestyle changes to children and families. To learn more, click on the link to their website

Midwifery services are provided by Northumbria who provide care from early pregnancy until your baby is approximately 10 days old.
At antenatal appointments during pregnancy, the midwife plans your care with you, discussing your choices and arranges scans and consultant referrals as needed. She advises on all aspects on pregnancy, labour, delivery and postnatal care.
She also provides antenatal classes as a group or on a one-to-one basis with yourself or with family members covering topics such as labour and pain relief, delivery of baby, infant feeding and caring for your new baby.
As soon as you think you are pregnant and would like an appointment, please leave a message at reception and the midwife will get in touch with you to arrange a suitable time.
If you are just at the pregnancy planning stage, they are also happy to discuss any queries you may have and give advice.

We offer a range of contraceptive services, including emergency contraception. For the contraceptive pill you can see any of the doctors but for C-Card, implants and removals and coil fitting you need to make an appointment with Dr Vikki Long.
- Free Condoms – If you’re aged between 13 - 24 you can pick up free condoms with a C-Card. All you need to do is make an appointment with our practice nurse who will show you how to use a condom and give you the opportunity to talk about any questions you might have about your sexual health. This is completely confidential so you can talk about anything you want. You will be given a card and all you need to do is show your card and you’ll be issued with more condoms. Only when your card runs out will we ask you to come in for a review and then you’ll get a new card.
- Contraceptive Implants & Removals – An initial consultation is required to discuss the process with Dr Long. The initial consultation will be via telephone. The procedures themselves will be arranged at that appointment.
- Coils – Coil fitting is now available. Again, an initial telephone consultation with Dr Long is needed to discuss this followed by a fitting appointment. Coil removal can also be carried out by our practice nurse.

Minor Surgery
The doctors perform minor surgical procedures in the surgery for the removal of warts, cysts, skin tags and some skin lesions and suturing following injury and joint injections. Cryotherapy (freezing) is used to remove skin tags and warts and a pre-clinic appointment should be made with Dr Miller to examine the lesion and decide if cryotherapy is suitable.
You will need to see the doctor for an initial consultation prior to surgery. An appointment will then be made with the doctor and the Practice Nurse to carry out the procedure.
Results are normally back within 2 weeks and you will be informed as soon as possible.

Health Checks
Health Checks (well man/well woman)
If you are concerned about any aspect of your health and would like a well man/well woman check, please contact the surgery and ask for an appointment with the Health Care Assistant. You will be informed of the results and, if required, offered a further appointment with the doctor to discuss the results.
NHS Health Checks 40-74 years
You are eligible to have an NHS health check every 5 years. You will normally be called up for this but please feel free to ask for a health check if you are worried about your general health. You will be informed of the results and, if required, offered a further appointment with the doctor to discuss the results.
Health Checks 75 years and over
All patients over 75 are eligible to an annual health check to improve early diagnosis and health screening. Please make an appointment to attend the surgery to see our Health Care Assistant. You will be informed of the results and, if required, offered a further appointment with the doctor to discuss the results.
If you have a chronic disease, you will already be having an annual review so do not need a separate health check.

Calling about a bone, joint or muscle problem? You no longer need to book an appointment with the doctor. You can now see a specialist 'First Contact Phsyiotherapist' here at the surgery every Wednesday. This gives you faster access to expert diagnosis and you'll leave with the advice and exercises you need to start tackling the problem. The physio can also refer you on to hospital services where necessary, order tests and write prescriptions. Speak to the receptionist to book an appointment.

Social Prescribing
Our link workers can offer services for a wide range of people, including those:
- Who need help with housing, financial or employment issues
- With complex social needs
- Who are lonely or isolated
- Who want to lose weight and get fit
- With mental health needs
- With long-term illnesses or conditions
If you are struggling and need some support, contact the surgery and we will put you in touch with our link worker.

Smoking Cessation
Smoking is one of the main risk factors of heart disease. We are here to help you give up and can offer a range of products to help reduce the craving for nicotine you experience when trying to give up smoking. Please make an appointment with Maureen Birdsall, our practice nurse, who is trained to counsel patients who would like help.
Weight Reduction
If you are obese or overweight, you have an increased risk of developing various health problems. Even a modest amount of weight loss can help to reduce your increased health risks. The best chance of losing weight, and keeping the weight off, is to be committed to a change in lifestyle. This includes eating a healthy diet and doing some regular physical activity, walking is a great way to keep fit, and we have some of the most beautiful walks in and around Wooler.
Our Health and Wellbeing Coach, Rebecca Hall, will offer advice on weight reduction and exercise and can help with monitoring your weight. She is in the surgery every Monday or, alternatively, you can get help from our practice nurses, Alison Bristow and Maureen Birdsall. You can also be referred to the Northumberland weight management service. For advice visit the Change4Life website